Agility Classes
Agile Canines Dog Agility Classes
All Foundation and Beginning Classes are limited in size. Progression to the next level is based on student skill level and assessment by the instructor. Progression depends on how much practice is done between the weekly classes. It is recommended that beginning students plan to practice at least 2-3 times a week between classes.
Sports Foundations
For puppies and dogs new to training we recommend starting with the "Sports Foundation" classes. This curriculum has been developed by Annelise at Agile Canines to prepare dog and handler teams for agility, obedience, rally, freestyle and everyday life. The classes are offered at the same location as the agility classes. . Class is $135 for a block of six weeks and you have eight weeks to use them. The class is ongoing and students remain in it until they acquire the requisite skills which usually takes 9 to 12 months. If you are new to dog training you will want to take an obedience class that focuses on positive training for leash manners, crate training, stays and recalls prior to taking this class.
Please note: we have8 month waiting list for Foundations classes. To join our wait list please read and fill out this form. Currently we are offering 8 small classes per week.
Foundations classes meet Mondays at 6, 7 and 8pm, taught by Lisa Hennen. Wednesdays 2pm, and Thursdays 11 am taught by Annelise Allan. Thursdays 6, 7 and 8pm taught by Kim Luskey.
Here is a partial list of many of the skills taught in Sports Foundations:
Shaping interactions with object
Capture/shape backing up
Impulse control games
Sit stays
Directionals for obstacle discrimination
Door manners – offer sit before a door and not rush through door when on leash
Dog management and what to do when a dog runs up to your dog
Shape interaction and body awareness with various objects
Interact with various moving objects and surfaces
Touch and send to a foot target– work up to distance of 20 feet or more
Play tug in various places
Mat games – sends, recalls and stays
Marker signals
Turns around cones
Wobble board
Narrow board off of ground – walk across, turn around, sit and down
Pivots on a perch
Call to side on the flat
Send to target through hoops/jump uprights
Recall on the flat and through hoops/jump uprights
Front crosses on cones/gates/barrels/jump standards
Rear crosses on cones/gates/barrels/jump standards
“Out” around gates
Play tug – down – play tug on table
Two on/two off on the board for contacts
One jump introduction
Hoop chutes (send, recall and run with both sides)
Around the clock exercises on a jump/hoop
Introduce basic agility obstacle configurations of pinwheels, serpentines, 270s, wraps and boxes with hoops/gates
Directional "out" for lateral distance cue.
Introduction to teeter games
Practice recalls in many different locations with distractions
Practice ready-steady sends to target in many different locations
Proof stays in different locations and with toys/treats in front and behind dog
Sits and downs on verbal cues in many different locations
Loose leash walking all the time.
Playing tug in many different locations
Being in a crate in different locations
Sends and stays on mats in different locations with distractions
Beginning Agility
This class is ongoing. Space is limited and this requires completion of our foundations classes. In this class students begin weave pole training, and dog walk, tunnel and aframe are introduced. One jump exercises are expanded and sequencing of jumps begins. Independent obstacle performance and distance skills are encouraged. Exercises to proof understanding of performance and to increase speed are done at this level.
Prerequisite is completion of Sports Foundations and preference is given to students who have completed our foundations program. Classes are sold in blocks of 6 for $125 Instructor is Annelise Allan and an assisting instructor. For information contact info@agilecanines.com.
Intermediate Agility
This class is ongoing. Students are doing sequences of 10-14 obstacles, full height contacts, 12 weaves and are focusing on timing of cues, front crosses, rear crosses, distance handling, obstacle discrimination and course analysis. This class is offered on Mondays and Tuesdays.
Prerequisite is Beginning Agility class. Classes are sold in blocks of 6 for $125 Instructor is Annelise Allan. For information email info@agilecanines.com.
Advanced Handling Skills
These classes are ongoing. Students in these classes are currently competing in the upper levels. Sequences and courses are presented with various handling challenges and represent upper levels of agility competition. Different handling strategies are discussed and taught and handling skills are the main focus of these classes. Classes are sold in blocks of 6 for $125. Instructor is Annelise Allan. For information contact info@agilecanines.com.
Specialty Classes
Offered occasionally
Winning Weaves
Consistent Contacts
Calm & Focused
Tighter Turns

Obedience Classes
Agile Canines Competition Obedience Classes
Competition obedience classes are offered on Wednesday and Friday evenings. These classes are small in size and offer individualized training on all levels of obedience competion from Novice up to Utility. The instructors have earned UD titles in both AKC and CDSP and have competed with multiple dogs. Patty Fulton and Siara Melius are the instructors.
These classes are currently full. To get on the waiting list for these classes please send email to info@agilecanines.com.

Therapy Dog Classes
Agile Canines Therapy Dog
Ongoing Drop-in Classes
Patti Anderson has over 20 years of experiencing doing therapy dog work and teaching therapy dog classes as well as performing evaluations for therapy dog certification. She has done therapy dog work 7 different dogs including Siberian Husky , Border Terrier and Cairn Terriers. She has also done therapy work with other animals. Patti is offering drop in classes to help you train your dog to be a Therapy dog.
Therapy dogs not only can they visit hospitals and nursing homes, but they also visit travelers at airports, children in schools, college students, first responders and provide therapeutic contact to people in various other situations.
Drop-in classes can be used for first time trainers for therapy dog work or for those who just want to hone their existing skills.
Drop-In Therapy Dog Classes available now!
Thursdays (9:30 a.m.) starting January 9th.
Saturdays (10:00 a.m.) starting January 11th.
Interchange either day but must sign-up with instructor.
Attend once to assess your dog, or purchase an economy pass for several sessions! Single class - $18, 4 sessions- $65, 6 sessions -$90. Passes need to be used within 4 months.
Instructor: Patti Anderson
1. Dogs must be a minimum of 11 months old and enjoy people.
2. Dogs need to have solid obedience skills.
3. Dogs must not respond negatively to other dogs.
Please pre-register using this online form.